Why DirectCare
If DirectCare were scaled nationally, overall healthcare costs could be reduced by 20 to 30 percent. Instead of slowing healthcare inflation, we would have a formula that could reverse it completely.
Soaring cost of healthcare
If we do nothing, it’s going to cost even more….
Control the increasing cost of Healthcare
Directly fund outpatient care outside health insurance.
Monthly membership covers costs of primary care services.
Significantly discounted imaging services, lab services and commonly used medications.
Spend healthcare dollars better
By keeping patients out of the expensive health care system — ERs, specialist offices, and hospitals.
Maximize your dollar spent directly on health care.
Reducing wasted administrative cost, expensive billing and processing fees.
Better care at an improved value
Proactive Care not reactive
– Patients with chronic conditions will be followed closely, potentially decreasing unnecessary ER visits.
– Decreased absenteeism due to hospitalizations.
Every American can receive FIVE STAR Medical Care
– Superior Healthcare – Patient Focus and Value Based care.
– Same-day or Next-day appointments without rushed exams.